Security Reporting

Experience The Silvertrac Difference

Digital Reporting Made Easy

Organizing information collected from the field into client-ready, valuable reports can be a difficult process. Traditional security reports like messy, handwritten Daily Activity Reports (DARs) and outdated forms can make this process even harder. Silvertrac builds detailed reports automatically to reinforce the value that quality security services bring to a client’s operation.

Four-in-One Reporting

Every time a guard completes an assigned task updates a daily log or hits a checkpoint. A small amount of information is sent to your dashboard and can be turned into branded company reports based on your criteria. Silvertrac has four types of reporting available to help make better business decisions every day.

Daily Activity Reports

Daily Activity Reports (DARs) can pull activity that fits unique criteria on any property within user-identified timeframes. In any report pulled, each entry will have the reporting guard, notes, photos and/or audio, GPS location, and a timestamp. Daily Activity Reports also automatically update during every shift and can be automatically sent at the end of every day, week, or month. Plus, everything is color-coded, allowing owners and clients both to catch up on different types of activity with ease.

User Shift Reports

Shift Reports are powerful rundowns that show officer activity as they move from property-to-property. Check arrival times, departures, and issues sent during any shift.

Checkpoint Reports

Checkpoint Reports show how a tour goes onsite and provide all the information needed to send better reports faster. Track where guards are with live GPS mapping and see what they are reporting in real-time.

Summary Reports

Summary Reports give insights into issues in the field by showing every issue at a property and the number of times each issue or action has been reported during a certain time frame. Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Summaries provide a simple, comprehensive look at everything a team does on behalf of clients. Use these to justify costs, identify current challenges, and reinforce the difference services are making on-site.

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LionHeart Security Services
Phoenix Office
505 S. 48th Street Ste 101 Tempe, AZ 85281
Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm (Monday-Friday)
Phone: 480-664-6250

LionHeart Security Services
Tucson Office
3320 N Country Club Rd Ste 100-1M Tucson, AZ 85716
Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm (Monday-Friday)
Phone: 520-554-6255

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